Wednesday, September 29, 2010


To make a snowflake you click on the shapes tool then select the polygon tool. Make 2 oly gone one rotated 90 degrees and the other one normal and lay them ontop of eachother, then select the rectangle tool and make 4 rectangles and rotate 2 of them one 45 degrees the other -45 degrees. Once this is done lay then ontop of your polygons in a snowflake pattern then click on the slection tool and click on the shape and hit subtract from shape area and then you will have a shape that looks like a snowflake.

ILLUSTRATOR: Text on a path

In order to do text on a path you begin by clicking and holding the line segment tool until you get a selection of lines you then click one that you like in this one i chose the arch tool. Once chosen you can then click on the type tool and hold it down until you get different selections of ways to type,you wanna look for the type on a path tool then when thats selected you click on the arch you made then can begin typing after you type out what you want you can right click and change the stroke and stroke color along with the font and the size of the font.

ILLUSTRATOR: Clipping mask_name

to do clipping mask with your name first you will click on the type tool thenw rite out your name. Once you have done this you can right click with your mouse and change the font, size, and the stroke. When this is done you can then go to your selected photo and upload it onto adobe illustrator ; adjusting the size of the photo also to how big or small you want it. After that you can then click on your text and drag it over any part of the photo to your desired spot. When this is complete to finalize the clipping mask you'll select the image and text then click on object go down and click on clipping mask then hit make and you will have a clipping mask done with your name.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ILLUSTRATOR: Combining shapes

To combine shapes you have to click on the shapes tool and select the shape you wanna make. In this one i selected the rounded rectangle shape and the star shape. I then change the color of the shape along with the stroke color and size. To begin combining them you select the shaped and arrange them ontop of the shape you want to combine it with. you will then click and select the shapes and will click on window go down and you will see pathfinder then you select that. After this you will then highlight your shapes and click on add to shape area and then your project will be done.

ILLUSTRATOR: Clipping mask

First i started by clicking on the type tool i then wrote out Ultimate Fighting Championship. After this i then right clicked on the text and changed my font, the size of the font, and the color of the text and stroke color. After all of the text is complete i upload the image onto Adobe Illustrator then i fix the size of the image i then click on the text and drag it over the picture. After this has been complete you will then click on object go down and select clipping mask then click on make after this your clipping mask is complete.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi! My name is Matt keller and i will be usuing this blog as a portfolio for my Multimedia Design class. I will be posting my projects and examples along with a brief description of what i did. Please chech back to see my work!