When first started this class i only knew of a few things. I only had limited experience with photoshop but didnt know how to use any of the tools besides the magnetic lasso. After a few weeks of this class i began to really like this classs, because its good to know how to learn different types of softwares that are available to us.
The class started off slow and didnt seem like it was gunna be what i expected it to be but it ended up being better. One program i will miss alot is photoshop and i will also miss illustrator to. These programs were my favorite because all of the other programs got pretty complicated and difficult to work with but illustrator and photoshop are easy to learn and very innovative. If there was a multimedia design 2 class i would take it for another half year course but there isnt one, so this year was very interesting in this class and i enjoyed this class very much and will miss it.