Thursday, October 14, 2010


The elements and principles of design I used to create my awesome flyer, were adding and combining shapes, shapes tool, text on a path, and text tool. I also used different fonts and strokes to emphasize my flyer. The first thing I did to my project was I clicked on the line segment tool and selected the spiral tool. After that I began typing powder puff which is what I’m advertising. After that I chose a font stroke and the color of the font. After this I then started to make my footballs. I used the arch tool and made to arch’s connecting in a football shape and painted it brown. I then drew lines looking like laces to a football highlighted them and dragged them over the football. After this I did two lines to make the white stripes on the ends of the ball. I then copied and pasted another football and rotated it 45 degrees.
The second half I my flyer I used text on a path on a line and wrote out my information explaining when and where the event takes place. Then I changed the font and stroke colors along with the size of the font. I also made a panther paw by drawing an ellipse circle then drew another one on top of it and clicked on subtract from shape area then I drew 3 circles to make t look like the toes of the paw. I then changed the stroke size and color of the paw to our school colors.
Furthermore I used many of the elements of design I have learned in this class and tried to tie them into this project. I used many of them such as using the stroke and fill colors along with the font and size of it. I also used text on a path, type tool, adding and subtracting shapes and made shapes.

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