Friday, November 19, 2010


This is my projects page explaining what software we will be using.

Step 4: For this project i wrote out projects. I did this because it is discussing and explaining what softwares we will be usuing and i bought up two images that relate to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

This is the class overview

Step 3: I wrote class overview and i began telling what the class is about and briefly described how the class is run, and what is taught in it.

This is my Biography
Step 2: I wrote bio, then began writing a brief description about myself and what school im enrolled in.

This is my homepage

Step 1:I took an image of a football shrunk the size of the image, then i drew a box around the image and made the background color black. After that i thenAdded in text buy making different lines with the line segnment tool and then wrote on the line with different fonts and font colors. I also changed the stroke of the text to make it stand out

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